Monday, September 29, 2014

Equine Photo Sessions: Our Fundraising Adventure Continues

Branson continues to gain muscle and weight, as well as energy and enthusiasm for life. We get comments daily from passersby who notice his improvement. 

I am aiming to send Branson up for his surgery in late October, so we're closing in on just a couple more weeks before we need to be fully funded! Our next fundraiser is an Equine Photo Session!

Many years ago I began doing professional equine photography as a side job while I was in college. I would travel around to small events to cover their riders, but my favorite were always the individual personal photo shoots! Whether it was a young child and her pony or a seasoned competitor and her show horse, it was always so exciting to try to capture the connection between equines and their humans. Eventually I had to put photography on the back-burner because my lesson program was expanding.

So, with this fundraiser it'll be so much fun to drag out the camera to offer these sessions - especially since the proceeds are going to help Branson!

Here's the official info:

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